Friday, August 25, 2006

Rock n Roll

How can one miss rock music,a genre that is by far the most influential style of all.Rock music isnt truly the loud kind of music that people think of.Well to be true,i wasnt exposed to this wonderful genre untill i reached my middle teenage.
Then something wierd happened,rock music became my fav. kind of music.It just drove me crazy anytime i heard of it.
People in our country are not exposed to rock music at an early stage due to one suckin reason.....mtv. Mtv gives people a general idea that music is all about christina,britney,shakira and all kinds of crap.Just think of it,rock bands started making music videos just to sell on mtv,when their religion is to perform live.
Continuing with our defination of rock music, cant be exactly defined!
Really,coz as a large no of bands came in,each one of them wanted to be called as a rockstar! So our rock music got divided into no. of sub-genres,like heavy metal,psychedelic,black metal,death metal,alternative,hard rock,glam metal and even piano rock(its what elton john plays!)Rock" had become a federation of genres rather than a well-defined genre.This schizophreny was already there in the 1960s, when rock music encompassed everything from Dylan's folk-rock to King Crimson's progressive rock, and every decade added new sub-genres. Eventually, rock music had become a genealogical tree of genres, each one owing its existence to some predecessor going back all the way to the generation of Chuck Berry.
But thankfully we still can bring all of these into one big frame,rock music.Roughly,rock can be considered as the music that is dominated by the heavy use of guitar and its lyrics.The lyrics of a rock song have much importance in our lives too.They deal with the darker side of life which we cant enjoy,or can be politically motivated also.Basically its about rebel,to give it to the world,to hit ur boss,to fuck pornstars,to yell at ur teacher,to get mad!
Go ahead and watch the school of rock.Its a gr8 movie in which jack black tries to teach some kids about rock music and its roots.
So welcome to the classic era of rock music,the 70s.When pink floyd,jimi hendrix,led zeppelin and the beatles ruled the world!
Lets end(or just begin!) with a small excerpt from steven styler's speech in rock n roll hall of fame.....

This is what rock does.
"Does it make you clench your fist when you sing along? Does it scare your parents to hell, and piss off the neighbours? Does it make you dance so close to the fire that you burn your feet--and still don't give a rat's ass? Does it make you want to stand up and scream for something that you're not even sure of yet? Does it make you want to boil your sneakers, and make soup outta your girlfriend's panties? If it doesn't, then it ain't Rock n roll!"


1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hey dude,why have u put up jimmy page here,let floyd rule the mainstream of rock.They define rock.